I Am Not A Leader

The farther I dive into this entrepreneurial journey, the more depth is being revealed into who I am and the more I see life is just one big paradox. I am beginning to understand that I am not a leader. Yes, you read that right. Instead, I am a follower - a follower of my dreams, my purpose, my faith. I am being led by a higher calling for my life, and I am realizing the better I learn to follow the more effective leader I can become.

The Power of Being a Follower

Being a follower isn't about mindless conformity, nor is it about never having an opinion of your own. Instead, it's about recognizing that we each have an inner compass, a higher calling that leads us and guides us on our unique path. It's about paying attention to that quiet voice within, which whispers our dreams to us and encourages us to strive for our unique purpose.

Every day, I choose to follow my dreams. These are not simple fantasies but deliberate, intentional visions for my future, born out of deep introspection, understanding, and connection with myself. They are my heart’s echoes, reflecting who I truly am and what I aspire to be.

Following a Purpose-Driven Life

Moreover, I am a follower of my purpose. There is something deeply humbling about acknowledging that your life has a direction and meaning beyond what is superficially apparent. My purpose isn't something I've defined for myself; instead, it's something that I've discovered within me. It's the north star that guides me through the darkness, the compass that directs me when I'm lost.

My purpose isn't static. Like a river, it ebbs and flows, and shifts with the landscape of my life. It grows as I grow, transforms as I transform. I've learned to adapt, to pivot with the changes and the uncertainties, knowing that my purpose is not a destination, but a journey.

Faith as a Guiding Force

Finally, I am a follower of my faith. This isn't about religious doctrines or rituals, but a deep relationship with the Messiah, and an unshakable belief in a higher power, a higher order of things. This faith fuels me, sustains me, and guides me. It is an acceptance that there are things beyond our understanding and control, and a willingness to trust in the process of God’s will for my life.

This faith serves as a light in times of darkness, a beacon when storms rage. It helps me understand that even the harshest of trials are temporary, and even the darkest nights are followed by dawn. I will also warn you – as fulfilling as following your dreams may be; it is not easy. Doubt and insecurity are stubborn adversaries that continually search for a chink in your armor, and intentional focus and faith are the only weapons that can overcome them.

Being Led, Not Leading

It is important to challenge the conventional wisdom that asserts leadership as a superior role. I am not a leader. I am led by a higher calling for my life. I am led by my dreams, my purpose, and my faith. And it's this understanding, this perspective that has brought a newfound sense of peace, happiness, and fulfillment to my life.

What are you a follower of? Are you ready to redefine what it means to be a leader and, instead, embrace the path of being led by your innermost aspirations, purpose, and faith? Because, after all, when you look at history haven’t all the best leaders actually been followers of something bigger than themselves?