The Psychology of Success - Part III

King of the Jungle

I recently revisited an uplifting motivational speech by the legendary Ray Lewis. The former NFL linebacker's powerful words made me think in a new way, leading me to reflect on the true nature of achievement, success, and leadership.

In his address, Lewis drew a vivid analogy between the mentality of a leader and that of a lion, the undisputed king of the jungle. Interestingly, the lion is not the biggest, fastest, or smartest among its peers. Yet, it commands respect and admiration, not for its physical prowess alone, but for its mental fortitude.

Lewis rightly pointed out, "The lion loves the hunt as much as it loves the prize." These words resonated deeply with me, striking a chord that I feel is crucial in our pursuit of success, both professionally and personally.

The Fleeting Nature of Prizes


We live in a world that glorifies victory, where success is often measured in trophies, awards, accolades, and numerical achievements. There's no denying the thrill that comes with recognition or hitting a lofty target. However, it's worth noting that these prizes are inherently transient, representing but a fleeting moment in time. Furthermore, all too often when people are motivated by a prize alone, they are left empty and unfulfilled when they do attain it.

The glittering trophy will lose its shine, the applause will fade away, and the accolades will be overshadowed by the next big thing. What remains, though, is the process, the journey you undertook to achieve that moment of glory. It is this journey, fraught with challenges, detours, and victories, that shapes us.

The Everlasting Process


The beauty of the lion's mindset lies in its love for the process - the hunt. This mentality is a valuable lesson for us in our life’s pursuit, teaching us to value and enjoy the process as much as, if not more than, the end result. This way of thinking can change how we approach our work, turning routine tasks into exciting opportunities for growth and development.

It's the process that tests us, that makes us confront our fears and vulnerabilities. It's in the process where we discover our resilience, agility, and capacity to innovate. It's the process that is permanent and enduring, forever sculpting our character and guiding us to our goals.

So let's shift our focus from the fleeting prizes to the everlasting process. Let's celebrate the struggle, the learning, the growth that each day brings. This shift in perspective is the key to lasting fulfillment and success.



As you navigate your professional and personal journey, I challenge you to adopt the lion's mindset: Relishing in the process and not just the prize. The true measure of success lies not in the awards we accumulate, but in the strength, knowledge, and wisdom we gain, the lessons we learn, and the people we become during the journey.

Remember, the lion isn't the king of the jungle because it's the biggest, fastest, or smartest. It's the king because it cherishes the hunt as much as the prize. This mentality, this unwavering focus on the process, is what makes the lion - and can make us all - truly unstoppable.